2023-12-08 13:16 中国教师资格网 [您的教师考试网]
Step 3. While- listening
(1) Ask students to listen to the tape for the first time and get the main idea of this text. Then, check whether Carol’s guess is right or not.
(2) The teacher asks students to listen to the tape carefully again and answer questions related to this article:
What is the status of California geographically and demographically?
Why is California so distinctive?
(3) The teacher asks students to listen to the tape carefully again to describe California using their own words according to what they have heard.
Step 4. Post-listening
Work in groups and pick one province or city in our country. And then introduce this province or city in the way California is described in the tape. Each one has three minutes to prepare. What’s more, all students need to present in their group.
Step 5. Summary
Students summarize what they have learnt in this lesson and the teacher gives supplements if necessary. What’s more, students should know that speaking skills are not easy to get, which requires all of the students to work as hard as they can.
Step 6. Homework
Students have to find more information about California and make an outline and share it next time.
四、Blackboard Design
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