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高中英语教师资格面试—《Nelson Mandela – A Modern Hero》教案

http://www.hteacher.net 2015-12-22 10:40 中国教师资格网 [您的教师考试网]

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Unit 5 Nelson Mandela – A Modern Hero阅读部分教学设计

1. Analysis of teaching materials

This lesson is selected from the students’ book 1 Unit 5 Nelson Mandela—A modern Hero, which is published by people’s education press. The topic of this reading lesson is Elias’ story, who was helped by Nelson Mandela. After learning this lesson, the students will learn good qualities from some great person and to be ready to help others.

2. Analysis of students

Freshmen in Senior high school have learnt English for several years, they have some basis of English learning. But their reading skills such as fast reading, careful reading to collect information are needed to be improved.

3. Teaching objectives

The knowledge objective are that students will be familiar with the new words and phrases, from the reading text, for example: principles, lawyers, guidance, violence, blow up, out of work. Students can also read and understand Elias’ story.

The ability objective is that students’ reading skills such as skimming, scanning and generalizing the main idea of the passage will be improved.

The emotion objective is that students’ cultural awareness will be fostered and their critical thinking and humanistic consideration will be facilitated.

4. Teaching important and difficult points

The important point is to help students get an idea of Elias’ life experience and how Nelson helped him change. The difficult point is to improve students’ reading skills, their comprehensive learning abilities and to foster their humanistic consideration.

5. Teaching methods

Communicative teaching method and task-based teaching method will be adopted in this reading lesson. In this lesson, students will be inspired to have a discussion and complete some tasks with his partners or group members. In such a way their communication ability will be improved greatly and they will learning by doing these tasks.

6. Teaching tools

Pictures and multi-media materials will be used in the teaching procedures.

7. Teaching procedures

Step one: Lead-in

The teacher will start by introducing the hero in her heart and asking students some questions like “Who is your hero/ in your heart?”, “Why do you admire him?”; “what good qualities can we learn from him or her?” The purpose of this step is to trigger students’ background information.

Step two: Pre-reading

Show a picture of Nelson Mandela and present some background information of this great man with the help of presentation of some pictures and short videos. Then the teacher will ask students “You have known Nelson a little, do you want to know more about him? Let’s what Elias think of Nelson Mandela.”

The purpose of this step is to attract their attention to the reading passage and arouse their reading interest.

Step three: While-reading

Skimming: Students will be required to read the passage quickly and get the main idea of this passage. They are supposed to read to answer the following questions:

“What does the passage talk about? It is about whose story?”

“What happened between Elias and Nelson Mandela?”

“What does Elias think of Nelson Mandela?”

Scanning: Students will be required to read the passage for the second time and they will be guided to finish the T/F exercise answer the questions in Exercise 2 in pairs, presenting their reasons to check their understanding of specific information.

Careful reading: For the third time of reading, students will be able to make the timeline of Elias’ life, for example:

1940: born

1946: six, educated, 2 years

1948: leave school, could not pay fee

And the teacher will guide the students to guess the meaning of the new words and phrase and explain them to the students.

Step 4: Post-reading:

1) After reading the passage for three times and the explanation of new words and phrases, students will be asked to retell the story according to the timeline of Elias’ life

2) Listen to the tape and read the quotes from Nelson Mandela to help students feel the passion and the firm faith of the great man

3) Have a discussion about the diffidence between the famous person and the great person. Some students will be asked to give a report about it.

In this whole step, students’ ability of summarizing and information processing and their comprehensive ability will be improved.

Step 5: summary

Students will be asked to summarize the implied meaning of this passage. Then the teacher will summarize and explore the implied meaning of the text—a great man need not to be famous, he/she must have some good qualities and devoting themselves to helping others. In this step, the emotion objective is achieved.

Step 6: Homework

Ask students to write an introduction about the great person in their heart and the story between them.

Students’ writing skills will be enhanced after class.

8. Blackboard design

Nelson Mandela ------à Elias’ story

Nelson Mandela

9. Teaching reflection

In this class, students are the main roles, they are completing all kinds of tasks, such as discussion, report, etc. they can learn English by finishing these tasks under the guidance of the teacher. Moreover, their comprehensive ability such as listening, speaking, reading and writing will be greatly improved in the teaching procedures.


Nelson Mandela







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